
Calañas Town

  Calañas is a spanish municipality from the province of Huelva, Andalusia. In 2018, Calañas had with 4077 inhabitants but as La Zarza and The  Perrunal became independant now in Calañas there are less inhabitants.  PAROCHIAL CHURH Parochial church (Calañas) is one of the Huelva temples that were started in the late gathic. Hernán Ruiz "the waitei" finished the construction of the church. FOOD MARKET In 1926 a proposal was made to build a marker to sell the products. The construction of the food market cost 1100 euros. April 7, 1927 the architeet D.José María Peréz Carasa presented the proyect. Its mauguration took place on august 15, 1929. EL M ORANTE The Morante is a of the highest mountains in the provinie of Huelva. Legend has it that a Moorish queen was hiding in a cave of the Morante. (From there his name) This cave was called the queen`s house. THE REAL The real was built in the middle of the 20th century. It is one of the longest walk in Huelva. In the Real always cel
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